Education development is related to teaching development and the development of the environment in which education and teaching happen. This dual concentration on education and environment development happens in turn in an educational organization in complicated global environment of higher education. The final purpose of education development is improvement and promotion of student’s learning and learning experience. Therefore, the students and also the professors and all who contribute to the students’ learning experiences must have an active role in this process.
Education Development Office (EDO) is not the only representative of teaching and learning quality. This is primarily the responsibility of those who teach the students, the faculties which provide the syllabus and those who support teaching. EDO has a central role in supporting effective sustainable improvement in teaching and learning at university and obtaining the response to these concerns. Therefore, EDO continues its activities with a wide range of key tasks with the purpose of leadership, consulting, doing research to provide, lead and support education development. These activities are not in the framework of practical or technical activities, but they are in terms of an epidemic philosophy of education development. As a result, the medical sciences education development offices and centers as the mastermind of the university are responsible for education qualitative upgrade in universities of medical sciences and health services of the country. Playing this sensitive role requires a permanent mechanism in all faculties in order to have education development activities in all main parts of university education. To provide this executive platform, EDO has been established in faculties and treatment educational centers.
Job description
- Educational planning in collaboration with educational departments
- Promotion of capabilities of faculty members in different fields of medical sciences education
- Counseling in the field of learners’ evaluation, faculty members and educational processes in the faculties
- Counseling in the field of doing research projects in education
- Counseling in the field of implementing new methods of education, consulting and studying for education development
- Active participation in the meetings of the educational council in the faculty